BALET bukan hanya menonjolkan seni semata. Lebih dari itu, tarian ini mempunyai pengaruh positif pada aspek perkembangan anak, baik mental maupun fisik. Di antaranya membentuk tubuh sekaligus kepribadian.
Bila sebelumnya Anda tidak melirik balet sebagai alternatif kursus bagi si kecil di masa perkembangannya, ada baiknya mulai sekarang Anda berpikir ulang. Sebab, tarian yang berasal dari Eropa ini tidak hanya mengedepankan aspek seni. Di balik itu, balet memiliki tidak sedikit pengaruh positif bagi perkembangan si buah hati.
Seperti dituturkan oleh Ketua Komisi Nasional Perlindungan Anak Seto Mulyadi. Menurutnya, tari balet berperan cukup besar pada kecerdasan emosi anak. “Dengan rutin latihan, anak diajak untuk menguasai dan mengendalikan dirinya secara baik,” kata Seto.
Termasuk pentingnya menjunjung disiplin. Ketika anak mengikuti kelas balet, tentu mereka harus datang tepat waktu dan mengikuti aturan yang berlaku di dalam kelas, upamanya saja tidak boleh mengobrol selama kursus sedang berlangsung. Tarian yang berkembang di Prancis pada masa pemerintahan Raja Louise XIV ini juga mengajarkan anak dalam bersosialisasi, berkelompok, serta belajar bekerja sama.
Tidak jauh berbeda dengan pandangan maestro balet Indonesia, Farida Oetoyo. Menurut pimpinan Sanggar Sumber Cipta itu, pada dasarnya menari memiliki manfaat yang baik bagi tubuh serta jiwa. Sebut saja untuk mengembangkan koordinasi tubuh dan pikiran, melatih kecepatan berpikir, juga tidak ketinggalan membangun rasa percaya diri.
Masih manfaat balet bagi kesehatan tubuh, tarian ini juga diyakini bermanfaat dalam memperkuat daya tahan tubuh. Utamanya bagi anak-anak yang lemah secara fisik. Nah, melalui tarian balet ini, anak akan belajar mengembangkan sense tentang gerakan tari, ritme, serta apresiasi mereka terhadap musik.
Farida mengatakan, balet bukan sekadar gerakan yang menonjolkan sisi estetis semata.
Di dalam gerakannya sendiri terkandung nilai-nilai atau filosofi dari tarian ini.
Adapun menurut Internal Communication Namarina Agatha Pritania, gerakan-gerakan yang ada pada tarian balet mempunyai andil cukup besar dalam pembentukan tubuh anak, sehingga tubuh menjadi lebih lentur. “Balet juga menjadikan tubuh penarinya lebih proporsional,” ujar dia.
Idealnya, memulai kebiasaan menari diawali sejak usia yang masih sangat belia. Karena pada saat itu tubuh manusia masih cukup lentur, sehingga mudah untuk digerakkan dan dibentuk. Farida berujar, untuk mendapatkan bibit penari balet profesional memang harus dilatih sejak kecil. “Ketika anak masih berusia lima hingga tujuh tahun, ini masa-masa yang tepat untuk mulai mengasah kemampuan mereka,” ujar wanita yang sudah terjun ke dunia balet sejak 40 tahun silam itu.
Dengan manfaat yang ditawarkan oleh kursus ini, tidak heran jika kini sanggar tari balet semakin menjamur jumlahnya di perkotaan. Sanggar tersebut menawarkan kelas untuk berbagai usia, mulai usia dini sampai kelas untuk orang dewasa. Seperti di sanggar balet Namarina. Sanggar ini menyediakan kelas untuk anak-anak yang berusia tiga sampai enam tahun. Pada tingkatan ini, anak diperkenalkan gerakan kreatif yang sesuai untuk seusianya, dengan tatap muka hanya berlangsung satu kali dalam seminggu.
Ada pula tingkat general graded syllabus, dengan durasi latihan meningkat menjadi dua kali dalam seminggu. Materi yang diajarkan mencakup classical ballet, free movement, character, dan pointe work. Juga ada vocational graded syllabus dan ballet for adult.
Sementara Sekolah Balet Sumber Cipta memiliki program balet klasik, baik untuk pemula hingga kelas lanjutan bagi para penari semiprofesional. Kelas yang ditawarkan di antaranya pre ballet untuk balita yang ditujukan bagi anak berusia 3,5–4,5 tahun. Kelas diadakan tiap satu minggu sekali selama satu jam. Ada pula pre ballet untuk pemula, balet klasik bagi tingkat pemula sampai advance, dan kelas balet untuk dewasa.
Tampaknya tak sedikit orangtua yang percaya akan manfaat yang ditawarkan kursus ini bagi perkembangan anak. Salah satunya Meidira. Wanita yang bekerja di perusahaan ekspor impor itu mengaku, sudah memasukkan putrinya, Keisha yang berusia lima tahun, ke sebuah sanggar balet yang tidak jauh dari kediamannya di kawasan Jakarta Selatan. Meidira pada awalnya hanya ingin menjadikan Keisha mempunyai aktivitas yang menyenangkan. Ia juga mempercayai dengan rutinnya Keisha menjalani balet, dapat membuat tubuh sang anak menjadi proporsional dan lentur.
Keisha sering melihat tarian ini di televisi, dan ketika ditawari untuk ikut kursus ia pun tidak menolak. “Ternyata banyak perubahan yang terjadi pada diri putri saya,” ujar wanita berusia 35 tahun itu. Keisha belajar berdisiplin dan menyiapkan sendiri perlengkapan baletnya ketika akan mengikuti kursus. Ia pun menjadi lebih percaya diri di hadapan banyak orang berkat seringnya mengikuti pementasan balet.
Sedangkan Irninta, salah seorang peserta kursus di Sanggat Balet Namarina menuturkan, dirinya mengawali kursus tersebut di usia yang relatif muda, yakni sembilan tahun. Dara berusia 17 tahun itu awalnya dikenali sang bunda pada tarian balet. Rupanya Ninta - sapaan akrabnya- tertarik dengan tari yang kerap menumpukan tubuh pada ujung kaki ini. Pada permulaan mengikuti kursus balet di Namarina yang terletak di daerah Jakarta Selatan, Ninta hanya diwajibkan hadir seminggu sekali. Menginjak ke tingkatan yang lebih tinggi, kini dirinya harus latihan empat kali dalam seminggu.
Praktis saat ini hari-hari Ninta hanya diisi dengan kegiatan sekolah dan dilanjutkan dengan latihan balet di studio Namarina. Meski demikian, tidak terbesit kejenuhan sedikit pun dibenak siswi SMA Theresia Menteng, Jakarta Pusat itu. Ninta bahkan menganggap balet bukan lagi sekadar hobi, melainkan suatu karier yang akan dirintisnya mulai sekarang.
(Koran SI/Koran SI/tty)
Hello All! ROYZEL SCHOOL OF TALENTS creates this blog to help students increase their interest in learning music and ballet or anything artistic and occasionally we will also post some guidance also for parents to guide their lovely children to improve their artistical abilities. Hope you can enjoy them.
Minggu, September 18, 2011
Sabtu, September 17, 2011
The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta
Continuing previous year’s experience, Royzel School of Talents is going to arrange another performance next year at the Gedung Kesenian Jakarta (GKJ) or also known as Jakarta Arts Theatre. Many students have started preparing themselves for the performance and their interest to be able to perform at GKJ is extremely strong. While we are lucky to have GKJ as a place for our beautiful and grand performances and the fact that many of us have visited GKJ more than once but till now we barely know the information and the history of this historic building. So let’s talk a little bit about the Theatre.
The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta in Jakarta stands in all its majesty and glory right at the heart of the capital city. This impressive Jakarta Art Building is an example of aesthetic and structural beauty. Skillfully renovated in 1987, the present art venue with its specific Empire style brings back memories of the 19th c patterns which were in vogue in Batavia (the old name of Jakarta) at that time.
History of The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta
The creation of this art venue dates back to the British colonial period. Sir Thomas Raffles who was renowned of his passion in the study and preservation of local culture, took the initiation for its establishment. A simple bamboo theater was built in Weltevreden and was named 'Military Theater Venue'.
The present beautiful art venue with its specific style is an artistic work of careful and skilful renovation completed in 1987, financed by the regional goverment of Jakarta. Sometime people are curious to be more well-informed of the existence of this 'Empire Style' venue which was fashionable in Batavia (the old name of Jakarta) in the 19th century. A flash back of colonial period in this country is necessary. History could say that among the worst moments, there was something positive, in this regard the establishment of this art venue. Sir Thomas Raffles, who was renowned of his deep interest in the study and preservation of local culture paved the way to the birth of present GKJ, during the British Colonial rule.
In 1821, supported by the Dutch colonial government, this bamboo theater was replaced by a permanent art building with a size of 144 by 60 feet. It was called Schouwburg Weltevreden. After change of several names, Gedung Kesenian Jakarta became the standard official name since 1987. Back at that time, the lighting inside the building was done by using candles and kerosene lamps. Gas light came in 1864. The electricity was first used in 1882 inside the building, but a gas light was still there outside the building and it was still functioning up to 1910.
Features of The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta in Jakarta
1. The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta is a platform that gives opportunity of participation to any form of arts like dance, music and theaters.
2. Various performances of art – local, international, traditional, modern are staged here, professionally managed by a solid team of various experts.
3. The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta believes in the dulce et utile way of art acknowledging the aesthetical as well as the show biz value of art.
4. The interior of the art venue is designed in such a way to meet high requirements, artistically as well as technically to stage refined qualities of various arts.
5. The main building consists of an enormous front antique style open hall, the auditorium with 370 seats, stage, foyers, lobby and 'loge' which is basically an empty place in the right and left side of the spectators, where, in case of necessity, five seats could be installed.
6. There is a beautiful balcony on the upper floor with 75 seats.
7. On the same floor, there are sound system control room, lighting and projector-documentation room.
8. The rear stage has make up and waiting rooms for artists and a decoration room. The right wing of the building contains a special passage for disabled using wheel chairs.
9. The Management Board occupies a small office at a small building on the right wing of the main building.
10. Show programs usually start after the evening.
11. The strict disciplinary requirements are part of the attempt to preserve the high value of the art performance to ensure a positive appreciation of the spectators themselves.
12. Both the artists and the audience who are true connoisseurs of art are all praises for the way The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta is preserving its beauty and historical properties.
How to Reach The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta
The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta is located at Jalan Gedung Kesenian No. 1 Jakarta 10710 in the famous sub-district of Pasar Baru, down town of Jakarta. It lies next to the old antique building of the Post-Office.
The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta in Jakarta stands in all its majesty and glory right at the heart of the capital city. This impressive Jakarta Art Building is an example of aesthetic and structural beauty. Skillfully renovated in 1987, the present art venue with its specific Empire style brings back memories of the 19th c patterns which were in vogue in Batavia (the old name of Jakarta) at that time.
History of The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta
The creation of this art venue dates back to the British colonial period. Sir Thomas Raffles who was renowned of his passion in the study and preservation of local culture, took the initiation for its establishment. A simple bamboo theater was built in Weltevreden and was named 'Military Theater Venue'.
The present beautiful art venue with its specific style is an artistic work of careful and skilful renovation completed in 1987, financed by the regional goverment of Jakarta. Sometime people are curious to be more well-informed of the existence of this 'Empire Style' venue which was fashionable in Batavia (the old name of Jakarta) in the 19th century. A flash back of colonial period in this country is necessary. History could say that among the worst moments, there was something positive, in this regard the establishment of this art venue. Sir Thomas Raffles, who was renowned of his deep interest in the study and preservation of local culture paved the way to the birth of present GKJ, during the British Colonial rule.
In 1821, supported by the Dutch colonial government, this bamboo theater was replaced by a permanent art building with a size of 144 by 60 feet. It was called Schouwburg Weltevreden. After change of several names, Gedung Kesenian Jakarta became the standard official name since 1987. Back at that time, the lighting inside the building was done by using candles and kerosene lamps. Gas light came in 1864. The electricity was first used in 1882 inside the building, but a gas light was still there outside the building and it was still functioning up to 1910.
Features of The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta in Jakarta
1. The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta is a platform that gives opportunity of participation to any form of arts like dance, music and theaters.
2. Various performances of art – local, international, traditional, modern are staged here, professionally managed by a solid team of various experts.
3. The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta believes in the dulce et utile way of art acknowledging the aesthetical as well as the show biz value of art.
4. The interior of the art venue is designed in such a way to meet high requirements, artistically as well as technically to stage refined qualities of various arts.
5. The main building consists of an enormous front antique style open hall, the auditorium with 370 seats, stage, foyers, lobby and 'loge' which is basically an empty place in the right and left side of the spectators, where, in case of necessity, five seats could be installed.
6. There is a beautiful balcony on the upper floor with 75 seats.
7. On the same floor, there are sound system control room, lighting and projector-documentation room.
8. The rear stage has make up and waiting rooms for artists and a decoration room. The right wing of the building contains a special passage for disabled using wheel chairs.
9. The Management Board occupies a small office at a small building on the right wing of the main building.
10. Show programs usually start after the evening.
11. The strict disciplinary requirements are part of the attempt to preserve the high value of the art performance to ensure a positive appreciation of the spectators themselves.
12. Both the artists and the audience who are true connoisseurs of art are all praises for the way The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta is preserving its beauty and historical properties.
How to Reach The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta
The Gedung Kesenian Jakarta is located at Jalan Gedung Kesenian No. 1 Jakarta 10710 in the famous sub-district of Pasar Baru, down town of Jakarta. It lies next to the old antique building of the Post-Office.
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